When you’re not sure which color to use in the garden, choose purple—it goes with everything in every season. Orange may be the new black, but purple is the new neutral. Our Amethyst Dreams recipe will pair beautifully with pinks, reds, oranges, yellows or any other colors you choose for your patio pots and sun umbrella.
This recipe matures into a full, dense mass of blossoms on stems that won’t need trimming to keep them off the floor, saving you on maintenance. Plus, with no deadheading needed for continuous bloom, you’ll spend more time enjoying this pairing rather than primping it.
*Best in full sun (6+ hours of sun) to light shade
Superbells® White Calibrachoa
The full, rounded shape of this classic calibrachoa helps this recipe fill out beautifully in hanging baskets and upright containers, forming a neutral backdrop for its companions. It may not be the flashiest flower of the bunch, but it pulls its weight in sheer volume of blooms.
Superbells® Grape Punch™ Calibrachoa
These flowers really do pack a punch! See how they are the first flower you notice in this recipe? Deep purple and near-black tones offer dramatic contrast to its sparkling white and lavender companions. We love how large the blossoms are, almost the size of a small petunia, and how its petals glimmer in the sunlight.
Superbena Sparkling® Amethyst Verbena
Adding playful texture and size juxtaposition to this recipe, this large bicolor verbena ties everything together into one delightful bunch. You’ll enjoy how the center of each unique blossom is kissed with a ring of lavender, a trait that is equally admired by butterflies looking for a quick sip.
option 1:
plant your own combo

2x superbells white®
2x superbena sparkling® amethyst
2x superbells® grape punch™
Tip For Success:
Calibrachoa are sensitive to receiving too much moisture and require well-drained soil—traits that make them perfectly suited to growing in hanging baskets and non-glazed containers that tend to dry out a bit between watering. If the soil feels dry when you stick your finger in about an inch, or when the basket feels light for its size, it is time to water again.
*This recipe assumes that 4.5″ plants are being used. To make the recipe work using larger plants, you will need to choose a pot that is larger than our suggested size or use fewer plants of each variety in the recipe.
option 2:
purchase a combo to go
The Amethyst Dreams recipe is widely available at retailers across North America. Look for it in hanging baskets and upright patio pots at your favorite local garden center. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Request it by name next time you shop.
option 3:
purchase plants online
If your local retailers aren’t carrying the varieties in the Amethyst Dreams recipe, you can always purchase them online.
Shop for individual plants.
Shop for the Amethyst Dreams recipe.